Arlington Launches App to Report Road, Neighborhood Problems


Arlington (WBAP/KLIF News) – Arlington has launched an app that lets people report problems without waiting on hold. “Ask Arlington” lets people report potholes or problems with street lights, traffic signals and neighborhood issues on their smart phones.

“We’re eliminating that step in the process,” says Gil Mesa, the manager of Arlington’s Action Center.

The app lets people label a problem on a map and lets them see if other people have reported the same thing nearby. In addition to reporting problems, people can also post pictures to give crews a clearer location or idea what needs to be fixed.

“We’ll now have a true expectation as to what’s going on with this street light or signal,” Mesa says. “There are many uses that are going to come out of this app.

Mesa says crews will also have access to the map and will see if several people are reporting similar problems in the same area.

“If it’s something that code compliance or public works needs to address a system problem, I think that’s good for everybody,” he says.

Arlington began testing the app last month and began public use this week. Mesa says Arlington’s Action Center got about 340,000 calls. He hopes “Ask Arlington” will lead to a 20 percent drop in the number of calls, leaving people to spend less time on hold.

The app can be used to report barking dogs or areas where grass has become overgrown. Apartment tenants can report insect infestation, air conditioning or heating problems and a lack of hot water.

(Copyright 2017 WBAP/KLIF News. All rights reserved)