Billboard With Message to Liberals Causes Social Media Stir

Courtesy: Kyle Mccallie (Facebook)

VEGA, Texas (WBAP/KLIF News) —  A billboard with a political message in the Texas panhandle is making waves on social media.

The billboard is just outside the City of Vega and reads “Liberals, please continue on I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS.”

Once a photo of it was shared on Facebook more than 12,000 times, reaction came pouring in.

  • “We need one of these in Oklahoma.”
  • “Somehow, I think this doesn’t speak for all Texans!”
  • “Love it. Too bad they can’t all move to the West coast.”
  • “Who put that stupid sign up anyway?”

The answer to that last question is unknown. There’s no indication of any sort of sponsor on the billboard.