Flight Attendants Call For Increased Precautions Around Coronavirus

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – As the number of suspected cases in the United States continues to rise, including two in Texas, flight attendants are now calling for airlines to increase precautions around the deadly Coronavirus. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants specifically called for American Airlines to provide the latest information on the virus, including how to identify symptoms and the proper procedures on how to manage a potentially ill person. President of the APFA Lori Bassani released a statement saying,
“The health of our crew members and passengers is a top priority for us and we refuse to compromise their health and safety in anyway,” said Bassani. “I am urging American Airlines and all airlines to do everything humanly possible to contain the outbreak and minimize any chance of exposure. We will continue to speak out to ensure airlines are erring on the side of caution and putting our members’ health first in these dangerous times.”
American Airlines has yet to reply to the call for more safety precautions as the number of confirmed deaths now rises into the 20’s.


 (Copyright 2019 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News)