Foot Patrols and Flowers in Oaklawn


Dallas (WBAP/KLIF News) – The Dallas Police Department is increasing their foot presence in Oaklawn, following a string of assaults.  The thought is the stepped up police presence will lead to decreased crime against the neighborhood’s LGBT community.

“I think it already has, and I think our presence alone has helped,” said senior corporal Brittney Pilcik.  “Also, just the awareness of don’t walk home alone.  Have a plan, especially if you’ve been drinking; it’s an entertainment district.”

Pilcik and her partner, Corporal Chris Taylor were walking foot patrol before the rain today, visiting businesses and talking with people on the street, who say they appreciate the added attention.

“The police are coming by more often, and they check on us about once a week, which we’re very happy about,” said Shane Walker, owner of Flower Reign.  “We haven’t had any crime or theft in our store since then.”

Walker said after being in business for only two months, his store was burglarized, the thieves taking computers and electronics.  He had cameras installed, but says it’s nice to be able to talk with a police officer face to face.

Pilcik says the mood in Oaklawn, after the mass shooting attack against the gay nightclub in Orlando, has been somber and sad.  People have been leaving flowers, signs and candles at the memorial at Cedar Springs and Oaklawn Avenue.

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