Do Voters Really See The Candidates As Those SNL Characters?

valerie-sokoloskyDALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) – The Saturday Night Live debate spoofs between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have become pretty popular…but is that the way the voters really see the candidates?

SNL has been spoofing politicians for years, but this year, it seems the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton characters portrayed in the debate skits are the image many voters see in real life and at least one candidate isn’t laughing. Dallas author and branding expert Valerie Sokolosky is surprised the skits being taken so seriously. Sokolosky says “We’re supposed to laugh at it. We really are not supposed to make some judgments based on the parody. If we can’t laugh at this point, I think we better give up.”

All three presidential debates between Trump and Clinton were parodied into the opening skits on Saturday Night Live. While they are meant to be over the top, Sokolosky believes the GOP nominee doesn’t think they’re so funny. Sokolosky says Donald Trump may see the SNL skits as just another way the media is undermining his campaign. She says “he’s taking it more seriously and personally because he really does believe that the media has been one sided…bringing up things in his past that don’t make a difference in a presidential election.”

Sokolosky says “people need to stop looking at the characters and making judgments based on the parodies, because in reality these are two very different people.”

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