FRISCO, Texas (WBAP/KLIF News) — As the Frisco Independent School District struggles to provide for a continuing budget shortfall volunteers are trying to come up with ideas to tighten the district’s belt. One of the suggestions is to cut back on janitorial staff hours and have students tidy up the classrooms, including taking out the trash.
Another idea would have students pay to play: charging $100 for middle school students and $200 in high schools to participate in athletics.
District Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Lyon explained that the suggestions are coming from focus groups including district staff members and members of the community working together to identify ways to trim the budget.
Lyon told the Dallas Morning News, “A process that involves the community, that involves stakeholder groups and different groups analyzing and scrubbing our budget, is a good thing.”
The Frisco ISD budget crisis was created after the district lost some state funding and voters rejected a tax rate increase last August.
(Copyright 2017, WBAP/KLIF News. All rights reserved.)