Nicole Osei, 4/12/2017; An Ode to Milo

Yesterday was National Pet Day and I started thinking about how important my dog Milo is to me. My boyfriend and I adopted him almost ten years ago and our lives have never been the same. I remember when Stephen, who used to volunteer with Paws in the City in Dallas, asked me if he could bring Milo home. He said “This dog has so much personality and I think that you would love him.” I must admit…I was not sold.

It took a few days for Milo and I to bond but I will never forget the day we did. I was having a bad day and was crying. He walked in from the living room, put his paw on my shoulder and licked my tears. Then, he practically melted in my lap and we have been thick as thieves ever since.

Milo makes me laugh and cry. Whenever I have had a bad day, it doesn’t seem to matter as much when I see his head pop up and his tail wag when I walk through the door. I know that Milo would protect me to no end and all he asks in return is love. My friends and family laugh at the way Stephen and I spoil him…but as any dog parent knows…he is more like our child than a pet.

If you don’t have a dog, I strongly suggest you consider getting one. There are so many of them that need a good home and they bring nothing but joy to your life. For all the dog owners out there, I urge you to read “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein. It tells the story of a dog and his human family but it is told through the dogs perspective. It’s a must read that will open your heart to how animals may feel.

I hope that anyone that has a pet remembers to cherish them every day because I guarantee they’ll spend their entire lives cherishing you.