Alan Scaia, 5/30/17; The Commemorative Generation

Earlier this month, the Commemorative Air Force hosted a display of World War II airplanes at Executive Airport in Dallas. The Commemorative Air Force moved its headquarters here a couple years ago, presenting me with a rich, new source of photo opportunities.

For instance, I now have a photo of myself being yelled at by General George Patton.

The Commemorative Air Force hits the road each year to put these events on. They say there are only two B-29s that are still air worthy.

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall that I’ve flown on the B17 Flying Fortress before, where a World War Two veteran called me a pansy because I said I was afraid of heights. I mentioned this incident to the general manager of the B-29 program, explaining that it was startling to realize that a 90 year old man who could barely walk could probably take me in a fight.

Then he started telling some of his favorite stories. In one case, a veteran got angry with him for offering him a ladder to help him into the plane. In another, a man with Alzheimer’s started reliving his time in the cockpit and talking for the first time his family could remember.

I, meanwhile, felt quite proud of myself for sticking my head out the top of an airplane.

But listen, the Commemorative Air Force’s education guy says events like this can get kids interested in a career as a pilot. He said he took a picture in the cockpit of a plane when he was a kid. That’s what got him started on a career in military aviation.

Now, I feel like I’ve been indoctrinated. As a 35 year old. With a limp. And who doesn’t much care for working hard. I’m sure that’s exactly the type of guy who would have succeeded in the Greatest Generation.: