Salvation Army Providing Drive-Through Grocery Services at 13 North Texas Locations

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF)- The Salvation Army of North Texas is operating 13 drive-through grocery service locations in Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis and Tarrant counties to support families struggling with lost wages due to COVID-19.

“Our already in-place network across the five major counties of North Texas helps our organization provide essential services without making major changes to our daily operations,” said Major Barbara Rich, Area Commander for The Salvation Army of North Texas. “As the region’s largest provider of social services, we’re prepared to meet demand wherever and for however long it exists.”

At each location, social service professionals are wearing gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) as needed. Social distancing is being maintained by families remaining in their cars. Groceries are placed outside of vehicles and families are asked to put bags in their own vehicles. For those without a car, grocery bags are placed on the ground six feet away.

“Every week we are picking up very large amounts of food, this week our pick up was 27,000 pounds of food. We are going to be giving out about 15,000 boxes a week and each box feeds a family of four for up to a week” said Salvation Army’s Major Jon Rich.

In addition to drive-through grocery service, The Salvation Army of North Texas is deploying case managers to deliver food to senior citizens, veterans and individuals in permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing and high-utilizer programs.

In Ellis County, The Salvation Army of North Texas is partnering with Waxahachie ISD to provide meals to students. Meals will be distributed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to children under the age of 18. Each child will receive breakfast and lunch for two days on Monday and Wednesday. On Friday, each child will receive breakfast and lunch for three days.

Food pantries will continue to operate without disruption.

“We really need the community not to forget about safety net organizations like the Salvation Army especially during times like this,” said Rich. “I know a lot of people have been impacted economically and are unable to give financial contributions at this time but for those who can, we really need your help in these times of need,” he said.

To donate, find a list of drive-through grocery service locations and hours of operations, please visit