New TX Law Allows for Study of Psychedelics as Treatment for Veterans with PTSD

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DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF)-Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that will allow for the study of psychedelics as a treatment for PTSD in veterans.

Under the new psychedelics law, Texas will study potential benefits and risks of magic mushrooms, ketamine and MDMA- but it will be controlled dosing.

“A lot of people think of ketamine as a club drug, which it is, but that’s not what they’re talking about when they are using ketamine for depression. It’s done in a clinical setting, under medical supervision, the dosing is controlled the supply chain is verified,” said Joe Schrank, addiction specialist and program director for The Heavenly Center.

 The law is receiving support from veterans groups, including mental health advocacy group VETS. Additionally, days before this bill was signed into law, Gov. Abbott also signed a bill that will expand Texas’ medical marijuana program.

“The more we research, the more we find there are many other options for health and well being. We’re in a massive mental health crisis and must be open to all potential options. This is paradoxical to America’s current drug policy but we have to keep in mind the war on drugs has now been a 50 year waste of time and money inflicting harm on the culture. More research should be done, but we shouldn’t reject this as a possible help,” says Schrank.