Governor Abbott, others Respond to Supreme Court Ruling on EPA Regulations

AUSTIN (WBAP/KLIF) – Texas Governor Greg Abbott is applauding the U.S. Supreme Court decision to invalidate what he calls a “power grab” by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The ruling said the EPA can’t pass sweeping regulations without congressional approval.

“I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to invalidate the EPA’s power grab and rein in this lawless Biden Administration,” said Governor Abbott. “Texas joined other States in this case to stop D.C. bureaucrats from imposing costly regulations without any authority from the people’s elected representatives in Congress. Today’s landmark victory against an out-of-control administration is also a big win for Americans who worry about skyrocketing energy costs due to expensive federal regulations that threaten our energy industry.”

In West Virginia, et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency, the Court held 6-to-3 that the Clean Air Act does not vest the EPA with industry-transforming, state-displacing power. The ruling means the EPA cannot restructure full industries or upend traditional state and federal environmental regulatory roles. 

“With Biden in the White House, the radical left has re-captured the levers of environmental power and are forcing their green agenda on the nation. Today, we stopped him,” said Texas Attorney General Paxton. “And in pushing back against the EPA’s power grab, we protected not only the Rule of Law and the constitutional balance between the federal government and the states and between the branches of government, but we protected Americans’ pocketbooks as well. This is a great day for American energy production.” 

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